Turn Your Existing Knowledge Into $10k A Month Online Course In Just 3 Monthsā€¦Ā 

With The ā€˜Self Revenue Generating Scalingā€™ Method

You don't need to be an expert in your field, have a social media presence, or leave your 9 to 5 yet.

Take complete control over your finances, time, and locationĀ 
Join Now

In this academy, you get to master šŸ‘‡šŸ½

Does this Sound Like You? 

  • Are you feeling trapped in a job that leaves you unsatisfied and unfulfilled?

  • Are you constantly juggling side hustles, part-time work, and weekend shifts, yet still find yourself running in circles?

  • Do you find yourself constantly trying to meet the expectations of demanding bosses, yearning for that elusive promotion, and feeling undervalued for the work you put in?

  • Does it feel like you're stuck in an unending loop of work, leaving you emotionally and physically drained with little to show for your efforts?

  • But here's the thing: you're passionate. You have a strong desire to help others and see them grow. You're brimming with knowledge and expertise that you're eager to share, yet you're unsure how to do it.

  • You aspire to become an authority in your field, to not only grow your business but also develop personally.

  • You may have already realized that even a high-paying job or a work-from-home position isn't the key to the freedom you're seeking.

  • Because you're still part of someone else's plan, working on their schedule and adhering to their rules.

  • And the bitter irony? You're left with little time to enjoy the fruits of your labor or the supposed 'perks' of your position.

If these words strike a chord within you, then it's time to consider a transformative path - creating and selling your own online course.

Invest the next five weeks in crafting a future that aligns with your ambitions. A future that will not only redefine your life but also leave a lasting legacy for generations to come.

An online course lets you harness your passion and expertise, establishing you as a leader in your field while impacting lives in meaningful ways. The cherry on top? You do all this on your own terms, choosing where and when you work.

I wan to start today

Why an online course?

  • Imagine crafting a course once, and then selling it repeatedly, year after year. This is the essence of passive income – you stop exchanging your time for money and start earning even when you're not actively working.

  • The online course market is on a steep upward trajectory. Currently valued at approximately $310 billion, it's projected by Global Market Insights to surpass a staggering $1 trillion by 2028.

  • Your expertise is in demand. Right now, there are individuals out there who need the knowledge and guidance you can provide.

  • Approximately 90% of the business can be automated, giving you more time to focus on what matters most to you.

  • The potential for high-profit margins is significant. You can sell your course at a premium price, while the overheads remain relatively low.

  • And let's not forget the freedom of location. All you need to run this business is a laptop and an internet connection, allowing you to work from anywhere in the world.

Hold on

You may be wondering now...

  • What topic should I choose for my online course?

  • With so many experts already out there, why would anyone choose to buy from me?

  • How do I even start to create and prepare content for my course?

  • I'm not particularly tech-savvy. Won't this all be too complex for me?

  • How will I sell my course, find customers, and build an audience?

  • How can I really generate passive income with my course?

  • Won't creating online courses be a huge time investment?

    If these questions are swirling in your head, know this - you're not alone! I've been in your shoes, facing the same doubts and uncertainties. But keep reading, because I'm here to guide you through the process, every step of the way!





Hi, I am Alan Ayoubi 


I'm the proud founder of the Online Course Business Academy. Over the past few years, I've managed to generate a consistent five-figure income per month through my online courses.

Today, I'm honored to have impacted over 185,000 students across 196 countries. My courses have been embraced by industry giants such as Apple, Nasdaq, Box, Volkswagen, Eventbrite, and numerous other global companies.

I've journeyed from uncertainty to success, and now, I'm here to help guide you on the same path."

From Silicon Valley to Stock Markets And Beyond…

My design courses have been embraced by some of the world's most top-tier and respected companies. šŸ’Æ

Transitioning from a state of burnout and dissatisfaction as an employee, to harnessing the power of my expertise through online courses, has been a game-changer. Today, I am an empowered business owner, enjoying full autonomy over my finances, my time, and even where I choose to live and work.
Embracing the world of online courses opened doors for me to relocate to my city of dreams - Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. 
Like many, I was skeptical about the potential of online courses, leading me to sidestep them for years. I dabbled in various online business models - from dropshipping and YouTube to selling T-shirts, Etsy products, templates, and beyond. But none of these paths led to the success I sought...
That was until I stumbled upon a YouTube video. The speaker was passionately discussing the power of online courses, and his words resonated with me. That moment marked my initiation into the world of online courses, sparking a journey of learning and discovery
I embarked on my journey with my first course, adopting the common strategies I observed others using online.
Creating my first course was a three-month endeavor that resulted in a modest $8. Yet, these $8 were more than just earnings - they served as a powerful motivation, propelling me to dive deeper into the realms of sales, email marketing, webinars, Udemy and Skillshare algorithms, paid ads, copywriting, and the art of producing courses efficiently and swiftly.

Through this journey, I developed a unique approach that I named the 'Mandala Method.' This method enabled me to create my most successful course in just a month, attracting thousands of students in mere days without any pre-existing online following or paid advertising.


The Mandala Method isn't your run-of-the-mill strategy you'd stumble upon online. It skillfully leverages the power of online course marketplaces like Udemy and Skillshare, transforming them into catalysts for your business growth. This way, you're not just a contributor to these platforms, but you make them serve your business needs.


As you funnel all the exposure you gain from these platforms towards your own business website and integrate it with email marketing and webinars, you set the stage for robust growth. Coupling this with a balanced blend of organic and paid marketing strategies, you're well-equipped to scale your business to new, unprecedented heights.
Utilizing the Mandala Method, I crafted my first course, which quickly rose to bestseller status on Udemy within 2-3 weeks. In a span of just 5 months, my course revenues surpassed my salary, prompting me to resign from my job and commit to online course creation full-time.
I then established my own business website, began developing more courses, and started selling them independently, all while adhering to the principles of the Mandala Method. Merely 7 months into my journey, I was already generating $10,000 monthly from my website, and an additional $9,000 from my courses on Udemy and Skillshare.


Two years into my journey, I'm now regularly raking in over $80,000 per month. My courses have had a profound reach, touching the lives of an astounding 185,000 students across more than 190 countries. Yet, the most remarkable aspect isn't the financial success, but witnessing the tangible impact my courses have on individuals worldwide.

Moreover, these courses have earned recognition and have been implemented by esteemed corporations such as Apple, Netflix, Nasdaq, Volkswagen, Eventbrite, and a multitude of others across the globe



 Today I genuinely want to share this knowledge with you. 

That's exactly why IĀ builtĀ the 'Online Course Business Academy'

In this comprehensive academy, I reveal my exclusive insights and strategies derived from the Mandala Method. This program is designed to guide you from the conception of your course idea right through to course creation, email marketing, webinars, paid and organic traffic generation, content creation, automation and so much more. By the time you complete the program, you'll not only have your own course ready but will also be generating sales.

This academy consists of 3 sections šŸ‘‡šŸ½

Course Creation Mastery

This Section encapsulates everything you need to know about course development. It takes you from cultivating the right mindset, through the process of honing in on the ideal course idea, to the nitty-gritty of course production, and finally to the grand launch of your business website.

Worth $1997

Evergreen Sales Funnel Mastery

This section is dedicated entirely to marketing and sales. It covers all facets, from mastering webinars and email marketing to crafting compelling content and leveraging organic marketing strategies on social media. All these elements are synergistically combined to build an evergreen sales funnel

Worth $1997

Facebook Ads Mastery

This section dives deep into Facebook ads, providing you with all the necessary knowledge to craft high-converting ads and channel an unlimited stream of traffic toward your courses.

Worth $1997

The Online Course Business Academy stands out as the most comprehensive training program for constructing and selling an online course right from the ground up.

It's the sole program that:

  • Teaches the art of course creation and selling, all based on the successful Mandala Method.
  • Blends marketplace models with sales funnel strategies.
  • Incorporates the latest, effective tactics in 2023.
  • Transforms these elements into a repeatable, step-by-step process that anyone can effortlessly employ.
  • Enables you to scale your course revenues from zero to $1k, and then to a $10k monthly income in just three months... a process you can sustain for years.
  • Eliminates the need to have an online following or dip into your savings.

And the icing on the cake?

Upon joining, you gain lifetime access to a proven system that you can repeatedly utilize to generate $20k, $30k, $40k, and even upwards of $50k in monthly passive income

The academy is meticulously designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of building your online course business. It's a step-by-step guide, eliminating the need for you to seek information or assistance elsewhere.


However, don't let the wealth of information intimidate you. We've taken great care to ensure the academy is rich in content, yet simple to grasp. It's been distilled into a concise 5-week action plan, at the end of which, you'll have your online course primed for sale.

I've painstakingly factored in all possible roadblocks that you might encounter along the way:


  • The modules and lessons are organized in a way that simplifies learning while keeping it engaging.

  • I've set up milestones and homework with deadlines at each stage of the course, ensuring you progress quickly with tangible results.

  • To prevent you from getting stuck, I've provided 'done-for-you' templates, checklists, and cheat sheets.

  • I've personally tested and optimized the fastest methods for producing and selling an online course, so you can learn from my trials and triumphs.

  • To cater to all learners, I've simplified explanations and complemented them with visuals.

  • I've excised all unnecessary, time-consuming elements.

  • I've demystified the tech aspects of course creation, making them enjoyable to learn.

Start your journey now

Take 5 next week to build the future you are looking for, for yourself and generations after you.

I want to start now

This is the transformative potential of an online course—it's not just theory; it's my lived experience and that of thousands globally. In this Academy, I'll be your guide, walking you through each step from initial planning to creation, from launch to marketing

It’s a 5 week self paced program. And consists of two main components…

Course Creation Mastery (5 module) & Evergreen Sales Funnel Mastery (5 modules) … 

Plus one extra module to guide you what happens after you make your first sale and complete Facebook ads mastery course as a bonus 

There are 11 Modules in total…

EACH one specifically engineered and battle-tested to give you the most no-nonsense practical help to create profitable courses with ease.

MODULE 2 - Building Your Course Outline like a PRO

This module is all about course creation preps

You will learn

  • Why having the right mindset is key to creating a profitable online course (and 5 adjustments you need to make right now!)
  • Understanding THREE main methods of online selling (and which ONE might work for you best)
  • 5 proven “quick-n-dirty” ways to find a profitable niche for your online course (and TWO essential elements to include in your research)
  • The “mother” of ALL exercises to help you find your IDEAL customer… and access to my market research digital worksheet)
  • Super SECRET research tips to identify the fears and desires of your ideal customer (In fact, I used one of them in this sales funnel!)
  • 3 ADVANCE techniques to come up with NAME and HEADLINE for your course (that grabs your prospect’s attention in a sea of other courses)
  • How to VALIDATE your course idea with these genius & ethical ways - even if one of them feels totally ILLEGAL!


MODULE 2 - Building Your Course Outline like a PRO

I specifically designed this module to get you to take action because early on, it’s important to embed good habits in your brain.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The awesome TRANSFORMATION BOX technique to create your course outline in just 60 minutes … both physically & digitally

  • Creating your course MODULES effortlessly (and I will demonstrate how I did for OCBA - this exact course)
  • Arranging all the information cleanly and identifying KNOWLEDGE gaps in your course modules (so your future students don’t feel lost)
  • How to survey your competition to improve your course outline… and ONE crucial mistake you should avoid at all cost! 

MODULE 3 - Structuring & Recording Your Course

I know recording a course video can be intimidating, so I made this section very practical.

In this module you’ll discover:

  • How to structure your module

  • Why this COUNTERINTUITIVE ‘Start At The End’ approach should be your first course lesson … And why it’s the most POWERFUL way to motivate your students
  • 8 things to consider while structuring your MODULES (and how to make your course flow smoothly like pouring water in a glass)
  • How many LESSONS to include in a single module… and 6 more things to keep in mind before you begin recording
  • How to create ENGAGING slides and videos… and a COMPREHENSIVE list of (Free & Cheap) tools and equipment you’ll ever need to record a course…
  • Applying the Hybrid Presell Method to get real market feedback on your course idea (And ONE crucial thing to include in your marketing messaging) 
  • Easily create a HIGH-CONVERTING sales video by filling in blanks of a Five-star Five-point template… (and download my sales video worksheet answers)
  • How to create CRAZY COOL graphics, logos, and mockups for your course with ease… watch me do it in within five minutes using nothing but free options 
MODULE 4 - Using Marketplace Websites To Our Advantage

We will create a mini-version of your course ready… Let’s make your first $1000 from by publishing it on course marketplaces.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Why you should publish your mini-course on Udemy & SkillShare… Even though every “expert” told you NOT to!

  • What to include in your mini-course and how much information is good enough?… (THIS example will make it crystal clear)
  • 3 sneaky and effective ways to bypass restrictions and promote yourself on Udemy & Skillshare without getting banned
  • A step-by-step guide video on how to publish your course to get maximum reach on the platform
  • Use my patented ‘Algorithm Jiu Jitsu Growth’ technique to rank on the first page on Udemy in 6 easy steps (99% success rate!) 
MODULE 5 - Setting Up Your Course Website

This module is loaded with WALKTHROUGH video guides, to show you every detail… so you understand everything with CLARITY & EASE.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How much should you pay for a website domain… and why the name is not as important as you might think it is
  • How to setup your website for FREE for ONE month using a SPECIAL code (and which business platform to select among dozens of choices)
  • Setup your course website by following an in-depth video where I guide you through every little detail you’ll ever need
  • How to create the P-O-C pages for your course … and what exact setting to choose for if you want to PRE-SELL a course
  • How to TRANSFORM a simple Google Doc into an APPEALING sales & events page… and the BEST way to create both… 
  • 12 MUST HAVE elements in your SALES page or no one will buy your course… and how I created the sales page for THIS course
  • 5 QUESTIONS to ask yourself to determine the VALUE of your course and how to select the right PRICING option …This might be the MOST IMPORTANT lesson so far
  • Setting up pricing options and post-purchase flow a.k.a U-D-O pages... and how to make it go LIVE on your landing page



After this we will move to Evergreen Sales Funnel Mastery

MODULE 6 - Quick Rundown of Evergreen Sales Funnels

Now that you have your first course ready… It’s time to automate the sales process.

In this module you’ll discover:

  •   The S-W-E-C components that make up an evergreen funnel and why it’s NECESSARY for your passive income goals

  • The difference between Opt-in and Webinar strategy… And the 5 step CHECKLIST that will ensure sign ups
  • TWO ways to create a deadline funnel … (and why you should go for the expensive option) 
MODULE 7 - Creating High Converting Webinars

This is where the “rubber meets the road”... Because Module 7 is all about making a deep emotional connection with your prospect and showing them the “light”.

So in this module, you’ll discover:

  • 7 points that Set The Stage of your webinar… while building irresistible emotional desire in your prospect
  • Make your audience go “WOW” in the Content phase of your webinar… and use this sneaky yet insanely powerful Buyer’s Intent trick to do it
  • 10-step strategy to create an offer so IRRESISTIBLE... only a LUNATIC would ignore it
  • Watch & learn the anatomy of a high-converting webinar in this Case Study… and use it to create your FIRST webinar
MODULE 8 - Setting Up a Webinar

Setting up a webinar is technical and can be tedious to some… So I made every step in an easy-to-follow format.

And in this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to create a webinar funnel and make it live on your website…(and a detailed walkthrough video for you to follow along)

  • Automate webinar with PRE & POST Registration flow… and why the “EVENTS” page works best for automation
  • The elite TIME REVEAL method that will turn your webinar in to a hot cake selling machine… and how to set up it
  • How to setup a REPLAY option on your webinar … and utilize the single most “viewed” way people consume a webinar 
MODULE 9 - Email Marketing & Automation

Understand and utilize the power of emails, the single most effective tool to SELL your course.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Understand the IF/THEN process of email marketing and 4 places to use them… and learn the purpose of TAGS for managing contacts   
  • How and when to use email SEQUENCES… and the secret BACKDOOR to get around platform restriction of sending 1 email per day

  • The difference of HARD SELL & WELCOME sequences… and how to setup both with ease
  • How to add personalized URGENCY in your emails with COUNTDOWNS… and finally ZAP everything together to make your funnel EVERGREEN
  • Write subject lines people can't ignore (these are infinitely adaptable... and easy to craft)
  • The SHORT & SWEET technique to craft an email that will SELL THE CLICK… and 8 ways to avoid the dreaded “promo” tab
  • You will learn how to connect email marketing to a webinar to create an automated evergreen funnel 
MODULE 10 - Organic Traffic & Content Creation

With all the backend sorted… Now it’s time to learn how to send traffic to your offer organically by creating engaging content with ease.,

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to utilize social media to maximize your reach and get tons of traffic every month… without spending a dime on ads
  • 3 content categories that will EDUCATE, INSPIRE, and make the SALE… and 10 different ways to come up with content
  • Use the TOPIC x STYLE Matrix to create Templates… and speedup your content creation workflow by 2x
  • How to pick the right FORMAT and create your first 30 day content calendar in just a few days… (plus a list of all the FREE tools you’ll need to do it)
  • 5 ingredients of the Viral Content Formula “and what famous creators don’t want you to know about viral content” 
MODULE 11 - After Sales Steps
Making your first sale is an amazing feeling… But before you get carried away, learn about your next steps.
You’ll learn:
  • Will show you how I got my bestseller badge on Udemy.
  • The BEST timeframe to complete a full version of your course after you’ve made your first PRE-SALE
  • How to manage students, where to create communities… and which FREE tool to use for building a KNOWLEDGE HUB
  • Use a WIN-WIN situation to turn your Students into your Sales Agents… and how to set it up with just a few clicks
  • Why you should hire people to scale your business… and where to find them without breaking bank    
Bonus Course  

Bonus Course
Facebook Ads (Meta ads)

In this bonus course, I share my years of experience of running successful paid ads.

You’ll learn:

  • How to create your AD account in 2 simple steps… and a step-by-step follow along to create, install, and verify PIXELS on your website

  • Bird-eye view of the ad account settings and a practical guide to creating your first ad campaign
  • The difference in custom and lookalike Audiences… and the HIDDEN keywords to use in the Interest-based audiences
  •  Which campaign performs best among Brand Awareness, Traffic, and Conversions … and access to my best performing ad setup
  • The “Counterintuitive” method of creating an ad that works every time… and which ONE creative ad type performs exponentially better than the others
I will join today

When you join this program youĀ gain access to over 1000+ ready-to-use animated and still graphic templates for your social media campaigns. These resources, valued at $200, are yours for free

200 Coaching Templates

For Instagram post, stories and portrait + Pinterest

200 Engagement Booster Templates

For Instagram posts, stories and portraits + Pinterest

150 animated templates

For Canva, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe After Effects

And there is MORE,Ā  you are going to getĀ 1 more mini-courses worth $500+ for free.Ā 

Supercharge your course creation process with AI

A mini-course to teach you all you need to use AI to create unbeatable course content fast and efficientĀ 

Just imagine…


  • Running your own online business that gives you the liberty to operate from any corner of the world.
  • Earning a living from doing something you truly love and simultaneously making a difference in others' lives.
  • Experiencing financial freedom, being in a position to assist those around you and splurge on your own wants.
  • Dictating your own life rules—no more 9-5 grind or pandering to a boss.
  • Waking up each morning to the sound of a new sale notification—there's no better way to start your day!
I want to start today

The Online Course Business Academy will empower you to:


  • Take control of your own success (and finally reach your true potential!)
  • Feel more confident knowing full well that you have a consistent passive income flow
  • Win back your time so you can spend more time with your loved ones or travel around the world
  • Buy the things you wanted for yourself & loved ones without checking your savings
  • Become a respected authority figure in your field (and even niche famous)
  • Make a meaningful impact on people around you (and around the entire world!)


And finally you will be able to…

Escape the 9 to 5 and attain the freedom lifestyle you deserve using the Mandala Method

Before I tell you the price of this programā€¦

Letā€™s look at the value youā€™ll get inside this programā€¦

  • Course Creation MasteryĀ  ā€“ That reveals a unique new way to create a course from scratch in no time, get your course idea validated and get you hundreds of 5 star reviews within 3 days of publishing your course and make at least $1000 all within 5 weeks from nowā€¦ (value $2000+)
  • Evergreen Sales Funnel Mastery ā€“ Everything you need to put the sales machine on automationā€¦ Webinar funnels, email marketing, mastering automation, organic traffic trainings, and much more - so you can make recurring passive income for years to come ā€¦ (value $5200)
  • Case Studies ā€“Ā  that will inspire you throughout your course creation journey (value $1000)
  • Done For You Templates - to help you generate organic traffic for your sales page through content creation. And save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in ad spend (value $500)


  • Facebook Ads Mastery Course ā€“Ā  Learn the ins & out of FB ads, plus I share all my winning ad strategies that will scale your course revenues to the moonā€¦ (value $2000ā€¦ Yours for FREE!)
  • Lifetime Access to a Private Community ā€“ Where you can get extra support, meet like-minded people, and grow together into a new elite team of course creators and online entrepreneurs (value: $2000ā€¦ Yours for FREE!)
  • Mini Courses & Courses that will make you an unbeatable course creator (value: $5000ā€¦ Yours for FREE!)

So the total value of Online Course Business Academy isā€¦ $12,700


Of course, I'm NOT going to charge you $12,700 today...Ā 

In fact, Iā€™m not even going to charge you HALF of thatā€¦Or even half of THAT.

So here is the deal:

Your investment for the FULL-BLOWNĀ Online Course Business Academy,Ā PLUS all the incredible goodies and BONUSES mentioned aboveā€¦


Pay In Full


Save Extra $497

Online Course Business Academy - 5 Weeks ProgramĀ 

  • Access to the unique Mandala Method.
  • Unrestricted, lifetime access to Course Creation Mastery.
  • Unrestricted, lifetime access to Evergreen Sales Funnel.
  • Unrestricted, lifetime access to Facebook Ads Mastery.
  • Resourceful cheatsheets.
  • Ready-to-use templates.
  • Access to a trove of over 1000+ Graphic Templates.
  • Membership to a private, supportive community.
  • Consistent support available five days a week."
  • Graphic and Video editing courses for Free
  • AI Mini Courses Worth $500 For Free
Join The Program Now

Payment Plan


6 monthly payments

Online Course Business Academy - 5 Weeks ProgramĀ 

  • Access to the unique Mandala Method.
  • Unrestricted, lifetime access to Course Creation Mastery.
  • Unrestricted, lifetime access to Evergreen Sales Funnel.
  • Unrestricted, lifetime access to Facebook Ads Mastery.
  • Resourceful cheatsheets.
  • Ready-to-use templates.
  • Access to a trove of over 1000+ Graphic Templates.
  • Membership to a private, supportive community.
  • Consistent support available five days a week."
  • Graphic and Video editing courses for Free
  • AI Mini Courses Worth $500 For Free
Join The Program Now
If you are still not sure or have questions, drop me an email ([email protected]), and I will personally guide you with your decision
Please note that this is NOT a ā€œmagic pillā€ or ā€œget rich overnight without doing anything"-kind of solution.Ā And you canā€™t expect to "magically manifest wealth in your life" if you donā€™t do *anything* about it.

But if you DO watch the training and implement what I teach...

(and complete all of your assignments)

I personally guarantee youā€™ll see results.

Otherwise, you donā€™t pay.

So either youā€™ll LOVE the program and see MASSIVE Resultsā€¦Ā 

Or simply send me an email within 7Ā daysā€¦ show me you watched the main modules and gave the program an honest tryā€¦ and Iā€™ll give you 100% of your money back.

It's that simple.